New York Test Preparation and Study Guides (New York State Regents Exams, NYC Exams, etc.) |
![]() Barrons: How to Prepare for the SSHSAT: Specialized Science High Schools Admissions Test By Lawrence Zimmerman, Gilbert Kessler, and Anne Villeponteaux |
This brand new manual prepares eighth grade academic achievers for the highly competitive test for admission to the New York City Specialized Science High Schools: the Bronx High School of Science, Brooklyn Technical High School, and Stuyvesant High School. The book contains more than 600 original problems with answers and detailed solutions. Also included are three full-length practice tests, four half-length tests, and a set of Math Diagnosers designed to identify and correct student weaknesses. Also presented are Skillbuilders, which offer comprehensive preparation for each of the exam's four sections. The book also includes study tips, test-taking advice, and information on application admission procedures.
![]() Kaplan: SHSAT 2003-2004 : Your Complete Guide to the New York City Specialized High Schools Admissions Test By Darcy Galane |
Higher Score Guaranteed!
Get the Score You Need. Get Into the School You Want. Kaplan's SHSAT provides a comprehensive review of the material on the New York City Specialized Science High Schools Admissions Test, two practice tests to sharpen your skills, plus Kaplan's highly effective test-taking strategies to help maximize your score. Steps to SCI-HI Success |
![]() Princeton Review: Cracking the New York City Specialized Sciences High School Admission Test By Jonathan Arak |
Why The Princeton Review?
WE Know the New York City Sci-High Exam The experts at The Princeton Review research the New York City Sci-High Exam and other standardized tests to make sure you get the most up-to-date, accurate information available. We Know Students Each year we help more than two million students score high with our courses, bestselling books, and award-winning software. We Get Results Students who take our courses for the SAT, GRE, LSAT, and many other tests see score improvements that have been verified by independent accounting firms. The proven techniques we teach in our courses are in this book. And If It's On the New York City Sci-High Exam, It's In This Book The Princeton Review knows that acing the New York City Sci-High Exam is very different from getting straight A's in school. We don't try to teach you everything there is to know about reading, writing, and arithmetic. We only teach you what you need to know to score high on the exam and get into the high school of your choice. In Cracking the Sci-High Exam, we'll teach you how to think like the test-makers and
This book includes a full-length diagnostic exam that's just like the New York City Sci-High Exam, and we fully explain every solution. |
![]() Arco: New York City Specialized Science High Schools Admissions Test By Stephen Krane |
How to get into the Bronx High School of Science, Brooklyn Technical High School, and Stuyvesant High School, 3 schools celebrated for providing academically gifted students in the New York City area a challenging science-and math-centered curriculum. Includes 10 sample exams, plus admissions advice from a former teacher at Bronx High School of Science.
![]() Parent's Guide to the New York State 4th Grade Tests: English Language Arts, Mathematics A Complete Guide to Understanding the Test and Preparing Your Child for a Successful Test-Taking Experience By Cynthia and Drew Johnson |
The Test
![]() Word Whiz's Guide to New York Elementary School Vocabulary: Learning Activities for Parents and Children Featuring 400 Must-Know Words for the New York State 4th Grade Tests and Elementary Level Learning By Chris Kensler |
Some kids collect baseball cards. I collect words.
Hi! I'm the Word Whiz. I didn't become a Whiz all on my own -- my parents and teachers helped me. And together, you and I can help your child master more than 400 vocabulary words that elementary school students need to know for tests, in class, and when doing homework. Really important words for subjects like: English Language Arts: narrator, opinion, scene, antonym, motivation Math: average, volume, numerator, intersect, quadrilateral Social Studies: equator, consequences, citizen, minority, tyranny Science: mammal, nutrients, soluble, condensation, recycle I've also included words commonly used in questions on New York State tests, such as probability, estimate, and represent. I made up some really fun activities to help your student learn these words. Since I'm in elementary school, my exercises involve things kids my age are interested in, like TV, movies, games, sports, and music. They come with:
![]() Kaplan: No-Stress Guide to the New York State 8th Grade Tests By Cynthia and Drew Johnson |
Review. Strategies. Confidence. Results.
Kaplan's No-Stress Guide to the New York State 8th Grade Tests is the ultimate guide to succeeding on the challenging series of exams in English Language Arts and Mathematics now required for all New York 8th graders. The No-Stress Guide to the New York State 8th Grade Tests combines a focused series of strategies specifically tailored to the New York State exams with a humorous and engaging storyline. This essential guide includes:
![]() Barrons: Let's Prepare for the Grade 8 Language Arts Test By Michael Greenberg |
Books in the brand new Let's Prepare series introduce eighth grade students to the new assessment exams given by the New York State Board of Regents in schools throughout the state. This book presents a practice exam with answers. In-depth review material covers reading comprehension, listening-and-writing, reading-and-writing, organizing ideas for composition writing, and correct sentence structure and general writing style.
![]() Barrons: Let's Prepare for the Grade 8 Math Assessment By Anne M. Szcesny |
Books in the growing Let's Prepare series introduce eighth-grade students to the new assessment examinations administered by the New York State Board of Regents, and taken by eighth-graders in schools throughout the state. Line art, photos, and numerous user-friendly features combine with practice and review quizzes to make these titles appealing to students while guiding them toward good test scores. Teachers will find that these manuals can sharpen and focus their students' knowledge of each test subject. This new title presents a review of all required math topics plus one practice test with questions answered and explained.
![]() Princeton Review: Cracking the New York State 8th Grade Math Test By Stephen Krane |
We Know the New York State 8th Grade Math Test The experts at The Princeton Review study the 8th Grade Math Test and other important exams so we can tell you exactly what you need to study to get a good score. We Know Students We're the top choice of students when it comes to test preparation. Our courses, bestselling books, and award-winning software help more than two million students each year. We Get Results Students who take our courses for tests like the SAT see major score improvements. The same proven techniques we teach in our courses are in this book. And If It's on the 8th Grade Math Test, It's in This Book The Princeton Review knows that preparing for an important exam like the 8th Grade Math Test can be stressful. So instead of trying to teach you everything there is to know about math, we just give you what you need to succeed on this test, such as:
We also give you two full-length practice tests that are just like the official exam. The answer sections to these tests fully explain every solution, so you won't make the same mistake twice. |
![]() Barrons: Let's Prepare for the Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test By Edward Denecke, Jr. |
Here's the latest test prep title in Barron's new series focused on Grade 8 New York State Regents assessment tests. It offers students a general science subject review, two full-length practice exams with answers and explanations, additional practice and review questions with answers, and general test-taking advice. Photo and line-art illustrations and attention-catching sidebars make this book as user-friendly as it is helpful to eighth graders, and their teachers.
![]() Barrons: Let's Prepare for the Grade 8 Intermediate Social Studies Test By Curt Lader |
Students and their teachers getting ready for the New York State Grade 8 Social Studies Assessment will find two full-length social studies assessment exams in this brand new manual. One is a model exam, and the other is the New York State June 2000 Prototype. Both are followed with answers and explanations. The author also gives detailed advice on successful approaches to the exam's several parts: the multiple-choice section, the constructed response section, and the document-based question section. He also presents a history topic outline and timeline, a general subject review, and an overview of the test.
![]() Barrons: Let's Review Biology: The Living Environment By G. Scott Hunter |
High school teachers and students recognize Barron's Let's Review titles as important test preparation books and valuable complements to Barron's Regents Exams and Answers books. They cover the topics specified by the New York State Board of Regents, and contain subject review material with review questions, as well as actual Regents Exams with answers. New editions have been updated to reflect the latest changes in Regents Exam formats. This title reviews the science of ecology, levels of biological organization, formation and structure of the ecosystem, and the interaction between human beings and the biosphere.
![]() Princeton Review: Roadmap to the Regents Living Environment Biology Exam |
In Roadmap to the Regents Living Environment Biology Exam , the Regents experts at The Princeton Review teach you the test-taking techniques you'll need to know.
![]() Barrons: Let's Review Chemistry By Albert S. Tarendash |
Here is a thorough review focused especially to prepare high school students to do well in introductory chemistry. The book gives special emphasis to the New York State Regents Chemistry exam, and covers all the materials contained in the New York State Regents Chemistry core. The author points out the structure and logic of chemical formulas and equations, reviews the phases of matter, atomic structure, chemical periodicity and chemical bonding. Other topics include organic chemistry, the mathematics of chemistry, thermodynamics, acids and bases, electrochemistry, kinetics and equilibrium, and more. A final chapter details procedures for laboratory activities. The book contains actual New York State Regents exams.
![]() Princeton Review: Roadmap to the Regents Physical Setting / Chemistry Exam |
If Students Need to Know It, It’s in This Book This book develops the chemistry skills of high school students. It builds skills that will help them succeed in school and on the New York Regents Exams. Why The Princeton Review? We have more than twenty years of experience helping students master the skills needed to excel on standardized tests. Each year we help more than 2 million students score higher and earn better grades. We Know the New York Regents Exams. Our experts at The Princeton Review have analyzed the New York Regents Exams, and this book provides the most up-to-date, thoroughly researched practice possible. We break down the test into individual skills to familiarize students with the test’s structure, while increasing their overall skill level. We Get Results. We know what it takes to succeed in the classroom and on tests. This book includes strategies that are proven to improve student performance. We provide
![]() Kaplan: New York State Regents Exam: Chemistry |
Kaplan's guides to the New York State Regents Exams come complete with a comprehensive review of all the tested material plus Kaplan's exclusive test-taking strategies. This powerful combination makes the New York State Regents Exam: Chemistry, Second Edition, a highly effective way for you to score higher on this very challenging test.
![]() Barrons: Let's Review Earth Science By Edward J. Denecke, Jr. |
Designed As A Review Text For The New York State Physical Setting/Earth Science Course, This Book Covers All Earth Science Topics For High School. The book is organized into three main study units: astronomy; meteorology; and geology.
![]() Roadmap to the Regents Physical Setting Earth Science Exam By Princeton Review |
If Students Need to Know It, It’s in This Book This book develops the Earth science skills of high school students. It builds skills that will help them succeed in school and on the New York Regents Exams. Why The Princeton Review? We have more than twenty years of experience helping students master the skills needed to excel on standardized tests. Each year we help more than 2 million students score higher and earn better grades. We Know the New York Regents Exams Our experts at The Princeton Review have analyzed the New York Regents Exams, and this book provides the most up-to-date, thoroughly researched practice possible. We break down the test into individual skills to familiarize students with the test’s structure, while increasing their overall skill level. We Get Results We know what it takes to succeed in the classroom and on tests. This book includes strategies that are proven to improve student performance. We provide
![]() Barrons: Let's Review English By Carol Chaitkin |
The new edition of this valuable classroom supplement reviews all material that high school students should master before taking the New York State Comprehensive English Regents Exam or any of its equivalent exams given in other sections of the U.S. and Canada. Practice exams are presented with answer keys at the back of the book.
![]() Princeton Review: Roadmap to the Regents Comprehensive English Exam |
In Roadmap to the Regents Comprehensive English Exam, the Regents experts at The Princeton Review teach you the test-taking techniques you'll need to know.
![]() Kaplan: New York State Regents Exam: Comprehensive English By Dominic Marullo |
Kaplan's guides to the New York State Regents Exams come complete with a comprehensive review of all the tested material plus Kaplan's exclusive test-taking strategies. This powerful combination makes the New York State Regents Exam: Comprehensive English, Second Edition, a highly effective way for you to score higher on this very challenging test.
![]() Barrons: Let's Review Global History and Geography By Mark Wilner |
Books in Barron's Let's Review preparation series for high school Regents exams have been completely revised and brought up to date to reflect recent large-scale changes in New York State's High School Regents curriculum. The books have been especially designed to prepare students for Regents finals in New York, but also make fine textbook supplements that can be used in high schools everywhere. In addition to subject reviews, each title contains either model exams or actual recent Regents exams with answers. Many teachers prefer to use Let's Review books as classroom companion texts to Barron's Regents Exams and Answers books. This review book, like the current Regents exam, reflects a new emphasis on basics of geography, now part of the high school curriculum. Formerly, both the exam and this book's title was Global Studies.
![]() Princeton Review: Roadmap to the Regents Global History & Geography Exam |
In Roadmap to the Regents Global History & Geography Exam, the Regents experts at The Princeton Review teach you the test-taking techniques you'll need to know.
![]() Barrons: Math A Regents Power Pack By Lawrence S. Leff |
The new edition of Let's Review Math A and Barron's Regents Exams and Answers, Math A are combined in a two-book package. Purchase of this two-book Power Pack represents a retail savings of $2.95 as compared to the price of books purchased separately.
This major revision prepares students to succeed on the New York State Math A Regents Exam as it is now given. The book places increased emphasis on use of the graphing calculator, and in line with New York State Regents core curriculum, it shows how given problems can be solved in several different ways. The author also includes new Regents question types dealing, for instance, with motion problems and mathematical systems defined by tables. The totally rewritten chapter on problem-solving offers students a core set of strategies that apply to curriculum-related exercises. In addition to subject review, practice questions and exercises, the book also presents some complete recent Math A Regents exams with answers. |
![]() Barrons: Let's Review Math A By Lawrence S. Leff |
Books in Barron's "Let's Review" preparation series for high school Regents exams have been completely revised and brought up to date to reflect recent large-scale changes in New York State's High School Regents curriculum. The books have been especially designed to prepare students for Regents finals in New York, but also make fine textbook supplements that can be used in high schools everywhere. In addition to subject reviews, each title contains either model exams or actual recent Regents exams with answers. Many teachers prefer to use Let's Review books as classroom companion texts to Barron's Regents Exams and Answers books. This new edition and its exam material replaces all of the former Sequential Math I and the first half of Sequential Math II exams.
![]() Barrons: Regents Exams and Answers: Math A By Lawrence S. Leff |
The old Sequential Math exams are gradually being phased out of the New York State Regents curriculum. A brand new and more rigorous exam, Regents Math A, is already being offered as replacement for all of the former Sequential Math I and the first half of Sequential Math II exams, and soon will replace them entirely. Barron's brand new Regents Exams and Answers book for this subject covers all topics on the new Math A exam. It also presents all four of the actual New York State Regents Math A exams that have been issued to date. They are the Sample Exam, issued by the Board of Regents in advance of its first administered exam, as well as the actual Math A exams given in June 1999, August 1999, and January 2000. All four exams appear in this book with answers to all questions. These ever popular guides include study tips, test-taking strategies, score analysis charts, and other valuable features. They are an ideal source of practice and test preparation. The detailed answer explanations make each exam a practical learning experience.
![]() Princeton Review: Roadmap to the Regents Mathematics A Exam |
In Roadmap to the Regents Mathematics A Exam, the Regents experts at The Princeton Review teach you the test-taking techniques you'll need to know.
![]() Barrons: Let's Review Math B By Lawrence S. Leff |
This brand-new addition to Barron's Let's Review Series conforms to the new Regents Math B curriculum taught in secondary schools throughout New York State. This book gives an in-depth review of all Math B topics, provides graphing calculator instruction at the keystroke level, and presents hundreds of questions with answers for guided practice and review. Actual Math B Regents Exams with answers are at the back of the book.
![]() Princeton Review: Roadmap to the Regents Mathematics B Exam |
In Roadmap to the Regents Mathematics B Exam, the Regents experts at The Princeton Review teach you the test-taking techniques you'll need to know.
![]() Barrons: Let's Review Physics By Miriam A. Lazar |
Like all titles in Barron's Let's Review Series, this updated book reviews subject material, offers practice questions, and makes an ideal companion to high school textbooks. Its special focus is on preparation for the physics exam that is given throughout New York State under the direction of the Board of Regents. Topics reviewed include motion, forces and Newton's laws, vector quantities and applications, circular motion and gravitation, properties of matter, electric current and circuits, electromagnetism, waves and sound, light and optics, solid-state physics and semiconductors, modern physics, nuclear energy, and much more. Also included are recent New York State Regents exams in physics with answers.
![]() Barrons: Let's Review Spanish With Compact Disc By Jose M. Diaz and Maria F. Nadel |
![]() Barrons: Spanish Regents Power Pack By Jose M. Diaz and Maria F. Nadel |
The new edition of Barron’s Let’s Review Spanish with Compact Disc, is also available as a two-book-and-CD package. Available with Let’s Review Spanish and its accompanying CD is Barron’s Regents Exams and Answers Spanish. Purchase of this Power Pack represents a retail savings of $2.90 as compared to the price of items purchased separately. |
![]() Barrons: Let's Review U.S. History and Government By John McGeehan and Morris Gall |
High school teachers and students recognize Barron's Let's Review titles as important test preparation books and valuable complements to Barron's Regents Exams and Answers books. They cover the topics specified by the New York State Board of Regents, and contain subject review material with review questions, as well as actual Regents Exams with answers. New editions have been updated to reflect the latest changes in Regents Exam formats. This book reviews the formation of the Constitution and how it was tested during the Civil War. Other major topics include industrialization of the United States, the Great Depression and the New Deal, the United States in an Age of Global Crisis (1933-45), the Cold War and its effects at home and abroad, and the state of the nation through the end of the Clinton Administration.
![]() Roadmap to the Regents U.S. History & Government Exam By Princeton Review |
If Students Need to Know It, It’s in This Book This book develops the U.S. history and government skills of high school students. It builds skills that will help them succeed in school and on the New York Regents Exams. Why The Princeton Review? We have more than twenty years of experience helping students master the skills needed to excel on standardized tests. Each year we help more than 2 million students score higher and earn better grades. We Know the New York Regents Exams Our experts at The Princeton Review have analyzed the New York Regents Exams, and this book provides the most up-to-date, thoroughly researched practice possible. We break down the test into individual skills to familiarize students with the test’s structure, while increasing their overall skill level. We Get Results We know what it takes to succeed in the classroom and on tests. This book includes strategies that are proven to improve student performance. We provide
![]() Princeton Review: Cracking the SSAT & ISEE 2004 By Elizabeth Silas and Reed Talada |
The Princeton Review realizes that acing the SSAT and ISEE exams is very different from getting straight A’s in school. The Princeton Review doesn't try to teach students everything there is to know about English and math. The Princeton Review will tell students only what they need to know to score higher on the SSAT or ISEE. There's a big difference. In Cracking the SSAT & ISEE, The Princeton Review will teach test takers how to think like the test makers and:
** This book includes 5 full-length simulated exams, with questions just like the ones on the actual SSAT and ISEE. |
![]() Kaplan: SSAT & ISEE: Upper Level By Joanna Cohen and Darcy Galane |
Every year, thousands of students apply to the country's top private and independent high schools. To get in, you have to score well on the Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT) or the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE). This book provides a comprehensive review of the material on the tests, clear and thorough analysis of the verbal and math skills you'll need, four practice tests to sharpen your skills, plus Kaplan's highly effective test-taking strategies to help maximize your score.
![]() Barrons: How to Prepare for the SSAT/ISEE: Secondary School Admission Test/Independent School Entrance Exam By Max Peters, Jerome Shostak, and Adam J. Zweiback |
This is an all-new edition of a previously published test prep manual--new tests and new subject reviews. The author offers thorough preparation for the nationally administered entrance exams required by many private high schools--the Secondary Schools Admissions Test and the Independent School Entrance Exam. This book presents diagnostic questions, two full-length practice exams for both the SSAT and the ISEE, and extensive subject review material. All test questions are answered and keyed to the book's subject review sections.
![]() Arco: Master the SSAT & ISEE 2004 By Jacqueline Robinson and Dennis M. Robinson |
![]() Peterson's: SSAT/ISEE Success 2004 By Elaine Bender |
![]() Peterson's: SSAT/ISEE Success 2003 By Jeffrey E. Levitsky, Christi Heuer, Dominic Marullo, and Mark Weinfeld |
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